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Carl Nielsen Museum

The Carl Nielsen Museum
The Carl Nielsen Museum

The Carl Nielsen Museum in Denmark, created by Museum Odense, offers a unique blend of physical artifacts and digital interfaces, immersing visitors in the world of composer Carl Nielsen. Departing from traditional museum practices, the project prioritized the sensory experience of Nielsen's music over factual information. Collaborating with experts from Copenhagen University, Event Communications, Coda to Coda, and Stouenborg, the museum successfully delivered a multi-sensory exhibition divided into three rooms.

The museum begins with the "Calibration" space, featuring a three-sided video projection highlighting key moments from Nielsen's life. Immersive audio, delivered through a Genelec speaker setup, complements the visuals, creating an engaging entry point. The "Exploration" space on the second level allows visitors to explore Nielsen's music and life through interactive exhibits, subtle projections, and a self-playing Yamaha piano. The audio is managed by a Genelec system supported by Panphonics sound showers and K-Array Lyzard line arrays.

Continuing through the museum, lighting plays a crucial role, with individually controlled lightbulbs creating atmosphere and guiding visitors. The synchronization of audio and lighting was a complex task, requiring meticulous programming to ensure a seamless experience. Changes were made post-installation to enhance system stability, reducing complexity and relying more on hardware.

The final area, "Immersion," focuses solely on Nielsen's music, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in a 12-minute composition. Genelec monitors and a visual focal point of fabric-covered light boxes housing Martin VC-Dot LED lights contribute to this immersive experience. The system is user-friendly for museum staff, offering easy control through a touchscreen linked to the Pharos system.

Despite the challenges of synchronizing music, lighting, and visuals, the museum successfully achieved its goal of making music the centerpiece of the exhibition. The innovative use of technology, including Genelec speakers, Epson projectors, and interactive displays, creates a dynamic and engaging experience for visitors, ensuring that Carl Nielsen's music remains the highlight of the museum.

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The Carl Nielsen Museum
The Carl Nielsen Museum
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