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BIO4 - HOFORs new power plant Block

HOFOR - Projector mast
The facade of HOFOR

​Block 4 at the Amagerværket tower with its 40 meter height rises on Refshaleøen and can be spotted from a long distance as a landmark for Copenhagen's green transition.

The building was designed by Gotlieb Paludan Architects, who have chosen to emphasize its functionality by using sustainably produced wood with a long shelf life on the building's facade and using lighting to create the illusion of the actual combustion taking place inside the building. The combined heat and power plant fires with sustainable biomass in the form of wood chips, which is a surplus product from forestry.

The facade, spanning 200 meters, is adorned with layers of tree trunks, creating the illusion of peering into a dense forest up close. In terms of area, it's equivalent to approximately 56 football fields, for which Stouenborg was tasked with delivering the lighting installation based on a design concept developed by lighting designers from Speirs Major Light Architecture.

The lighting highlights the depth of the facade, giving it a unique organic expression as one can sense the many layers it consists of. The facade lights are on every evening from sunset until late at night and on dark mornings, enveloping the large industrial building in a gently undulating warm light, giving it a special glow.

The expression, variation, and choice of colors in the lighting were developed in close collaboration between architects and lighting designers, while the installation itself became a reality in collaboration with Kemp and Lauridsen.

Stouenborg handled the project planning of the installation of a total of 49 gobo projectors from Martin Light, mounted on tall poles around the building. In addition to delivering a solution that visually meets all the architect's desires, it has been important for it to be reliable and withstand the impact of wind and saltwater from the sea.

The building has won numerous awards for both architecture and lighting design.

Like this projection, we have also previously worked with projection at Ballerup Railway station, which you can read more about here.

The wooden facade of HOFOR
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