The Free Art Gallery

The 'Klangvaser' exhibition is a thoroughly aural experience. The acoustic installation was exhibited in Den Frie Kunsthal in the spring of 2017. It consists of 16 individual porcelain columns that capture the sounds in the room and resonate with each individual sound. The whole room is thus filled with peculiar sounds that change and vary as different people walk through the exhibition. Each and every column is unique in its design and is cast by hand by the artist, Ursula Nistrup, who has collaborated with Royal Copenhagen in the actual casting process and with Stouenborg to create the optimal technical framework for the aesthetic sound exhibition.
Each individual column is equipped with microphones that capture the sounds in the room and send them out through the column – so the more sound there is in the room, the more tones travel through the air.
The sound columns have been an unusual, and not least challenging, project for Stouenborg, who has worked closely with the artist to realize her creative vision. The result was a different and elegant exhibition that focuses on the individual sounds, isolated and in interaction. The audience enters a sound universe where they can take a break from the hectic everyday life and rediscover the small details that disappear in the noise.
We have also previously worked with Carl Nielsen's traveling exhibition in connection with his 150th anniversary. You can read more about that here.