Jyske bank

Jyske Bank is itthird largest bank in Denmark. In such a large company, there are naturally a multitude of different tasks,
so their new conference room had to be designed to be flexible and havevarying application options to support a dynamic and hectic workflow.
It all started with a simple attic room, which was soon transformed into a high-tech boardroom and meeting room. The room has a multifunctional sound design that was made possible by Meyer Sounds Constellation system, which is otherwise normally used in much larger rooms such as, for example. restaurants, sports and concert halls. The reason for installing this comprehensive system was precisely that the sound design must be able to do so many different things, and the room must be able to be quickly adapted to the specific purpose. There will be, among other things, held talks and presentations where the audience must be able to hear the speaker - regardless of where they are sitting. It must also be possible to receive input from those sitting around the large table, and there must be an opportunity for group conversations that can take place around the room without disturbing the groups sitting around.
Jyske Bank also wanted the sound system to be so naturally incorporated into the rooms design that you dont think about it being there. Despite the fact that Stouenborg installed 25 DPA microphones in the ceiling and 64 speakers around the room to ensure the most even sound coverage and speech intelligibility, this succeeded in the best way. The system is so discreet that it is almost invisible, and the design, furnishings and audio in the room work together perfectly to create a flexible space with unimaginable possibilities of use.
We have also worked with constellation systems on other projects, and one of them is Avicii Arena, which you can read more about here.